No one knows about these effects! The benefits of bay seed, which is a natural pain reliever, do not stop counting.

No one knows about these effects The benefits of bay

Bay leaves are known for their aromatic flavor and fragrance. The seeds of laurel have many health benefits. Those who know the benefits of laurel seeds see it as a natural source of healing. To increase the effects of laurel seed on health, it is necessary to use it correctly. Although the taste of this seed, which is likened to olives, is bitter, you can sweeten it with honey. However, you should ask the doctor before consuming the bay seed like other herbal cures.



Bay seed is a natural anti-inflammatory with its anti-inflammatory properties. It fights acute and chronic inflammation in the body. Thanks to this feature, it strengthens the immune system by increasing the body resistance. It eliminates the factors that open the door to autoimmune diseases. It alleviates the symptoms of existing autoimmune diseases. It is effective against winter diseases such as throat and tonsillitis.


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Bay seed is effective against bacteria and microbes thanks to its antiseptic properties.
Thanks to this feature, it purifies the body from toxins. It is good for diseases caused by bacteria and microbes.


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Bay seed relieves many pains from rheumatism to migraine. To benefit from this healing effect of laurel seeds, grind 10 grams of laurel seeds into powder and mix them with honey. The mixture should have a paste-like consistency. Consume the mixture you have prepared in the amount of a teaspoon when you have pain. Your pain will be relieved in a very short time.

It is good for shortness of breath and cough

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The most remarkable feature of bay seed is undoubtedly that it is good for bronchitis and shortness of breath. In addition, these small seeds have a miraculous effect that eliminates the complaint of chronic cough. If you have cough, shortness of breath or bronchitis, you can prepare the paste in the upper item and consume it regularly every day.


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The laurel seed has the feature of facilitating childbirth. For an easy birth, crush some bay seeds, mix them with honey to make a paste. Consume this mixture, which you have prepared, up to a teaspoon 3 times a day, about 2 weeks before you meet your baby.


Bay seeds are intestinal friendly. If you mix the bay seed with honey and make a paste and consume it, it will eliminate the pain and gas problem in the intestines.
Bay seeds are effective in the fight against candida. With its antiseptic feature, it destroys bad bacteria in the intestine. This mixture also has a diuretic effect. It is sufficient to consume the mixture in the amount of one teaspoon 3 times a day.


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Bay seed is very successful in eliminating bad breath with its spicy, pleasant smell. If you wish, you can make a mouthwash by mixing the bay seed with water after powdering it.


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Bay seed is a natural recipe for psoriasis and eczema. You can mix the powdered bay seed with vinegar and apply it to the psoriasis or eczema area. Bay seed is recommended by İbrahim Saracoğlu as a solution to eczema.


  • If it is boiled and drunk with horsetail herb, it eliminates stomach problems.
  • Bay seed is effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
  • If the hair is washed with this water obtained by boiling together with nettle, black cumin and thyme, it prevents hair loss.
  • After drying in the sun, powdered laurel seed is effective against all poisonous animal bites and bee stings.
