No need to go to the market! You can easily ferment kefir at home, the benefits of which are endless.

Kefir is known as a type of yeast that resembles cauliflower grains in appearance. Kefir, which is fermented by adding milk, contains many important vitamins and minerals necessary for body development. At the same time, thanks to its probiotic feature, it makes positive contributions to the digestive system by regulating stomach and intestinal movements. You can take advantage of the countless benefits of this flavor by fermenting kefir at home.


  • Milk, jar and kefir grains are needed to ferment kefir. You can use the milk you will use raw and boil it yourself. If you want to save time, you can also choose cans of milk sold in markets. However, do not forget that you can perform the most efficient fermentation process with natural and fresh milk.

  • Metal products should never be used in kefir fermentation. When metal products come into contact with kefir grains, it causes kefir to lose its benefits. For this reason, it is recommended to use wooden or plastic spoons while fermenting kefir.

  • After adding kefir grains to the glass jar, you need to add milk according to the size of the kefir. If your kefir is small, a glass of milk is enough. Since kefir grains will gradually grow after each fermentation process, the amount of milk you need to add over time should increase in proportion to the growth.

  • Finally, you need to cover the jar with a cheesecloth or paper towel, not the lid. Because if kefir gets air, it performs the fermentation process more easily. You can fix the cheesecloth or paper towel on the jar with the help of a rubber band.

  • Now you can leave your kefir to ferment for about 12 hours in a dark area at room temperature without touching it. After 12 hours, you can strain the kefir and use the grains in the new fermentation process.


  • Kefir strengthens the immune system against various pathogens.

  • It plays an important role in reducing stomach and intestinal disorders.

  • It stands out for its effect in reducing nervous depression.

  • It helps to meet the phosphorus needed by the body.

  • It offers benefits in reducing bad breath.

  • It helps those who want to speed up their metabolism.

  • It helps to reduce stomach bloating.

  • It benefits bone and muscle development.

  • It helps to reduce chronic fatigue.

  • It helps those who have sleep problems to sleep comfortably.

