Nexi buys treasury shares and concludes the programme

Nexi buys treasury shares and concludes the programme

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – Nexi announced that he has purchasedbetween 10 and 13 March 2023, overall 212,439 ordinary treasury shares at the average price of 7.4395 euros, for one counter value equal to 1,580,447.29 eurosas part of the authorization resolved by the Shareholders’ Meeting on May 5, 2022.

As a result of the above operations, it is completed the treasury share buyback programme launched on 22 February 2023 on the basis of the aforementioned authorization from the shareholders’ meeting. The Board of Directors reserves the right to launch new treasury share buyback programs in the future, to be carried out in any case within the limits and in implementation of the resolution of the Shareholders’ Meeting of 5 May 2022.

Following the purchases communicated on 14 March and considering the ordinary shares already in the portfolio, Nexi holds 803,291 treasury shares equal to approximately 0.06% of the share capital.

In Piazza Affari, today, a small step forward for Nexiwhich brings home a timid +0.74%.
