New wave of dangerous dog buns in Malmö

New wave of dangerous dog buns in Malmo



full screen Niklas Krig has compiled a map of places where dog attacks have occurred around Malmö. Archive image. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

It was quiet for about eight months. But now the finds of the so-called dog buns have increased again.

– We are clearly at the top, says Nils Norling, the police’s press officer.

About 30 dog balls were found in Pildammsparken in Malmö early Wednesday morning. The buns, which have been prepared with sharp objects on several occasions, have terrified the city’s dog owners for a couple of years.

– We have received several hundred reports since 2020. Some can be traced to an attentive public who reported all kinds of pieces of bread. If we only look at notifications where food has actually been prepared, there are around 180. says police spokesperson Nils Norling.

Since the turn of the year, the city has been at a “peak” of dangerous dog buns.

– There is no doubt about that. Last year we had a break of about eight months, but now we can see that it is increasing again. In total, we have drawn up 16 notifications this year, says Nils Norling.

Dog owner Niklas Krig shares the picture that the period after New Year has been the most intense so far.

— Now it’s really crazy. People are worried, because it happens so often now.

The police classify the crime as destruction, but have so far not been able to arrest anyone suspected of the crime.
