New report: Several shortcomings in the investment to strengthen women’s health

The government pushed to SEK 9.5 billion to strengthen women’s health between 2015 and 2022. But in a new report, the Agency for Care and Care Analysis points to several shortcomings in the investment. – We cannot say whether the investment has been successful or not, says investigator Siri Lindqvist Ståhle. Between the years 2015 and 2022, the government entered into seven agreements with SKR, Sweden’s municipalities and regions, to strengthen women’s health. The investment, which includes a total of SEK 9.5 billion, has been monitored and investigated by the Agency for Care and Care Analysis on behalf of the government. The authority now states that no effects of the investment can be seen. – There are no measurable goals in the investment, what the regions should achieve. There are target areas, target descriptions, but partly they vary between the agreements that have been made since 2015. There is no measurement value or anything specific that allows us to evaluate the effect or say whether the investment has been successful or not, says investigator Siri Lindqvist Ståhle. So you can’t tell if the money has been used properly? – We find it difficult to say, we cannot really follow how the funds have been used. The report shows that there are differences in health between women and men depending on how healthcare is designed. The investment has involved initiatives to partly strengthen maternity care and women’s health, partly initiatives in primary care and other specialized care related to women’s health. The authority for health care analysis is critical of how the investment has been carried out. – The regions should have done more needs analyses, and it is also up to the government that they should have based the investment in needs analyzes and horizontal priorities to see where it is important to make efforts, says Siri Lindqvist Ståhle. – You need to be able to follow up how the funds are used and you need to strengthen equality in care. TV4 Nyheterna has contacted Health Care Minister Acko Ankarberg Johansson, who has not yet read the report, according to the minister’s press secretary.
