New proposals against benefit fraud – block of benefits for convicted persons

New proposals against benefit fraud – block of benefits for
full screen Elderly and Social Insurance Minister Anna Tenje receives the final report from the 2021 grant crime investigation by investigator Amir Rostami. Photo: Claudio Bresciani / TT

14.6 billion is estimated to have been paid out incorrectly in various benefits and support according to a report from the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority.

In a final report, the 2021 grant crime investigation presented six points to address the cheating.

– We are not seeing great numbers, says investigator Amir Rostami.

At a press conference together with the Minister for the Elderly and Social Insurance Anna Tenje on Wednesday, the investigation presented its final report.

A total of 14.6 billion is estimated to have been paid out incorrectly.

– Just over half is estimated to be outright grant crime, says Anna Tenje.

Of the incorrect payments, 90 percent are believed to be caused by the applicant and slightly more than half to be intentional errors.

Of these, 10 percent are reported to the police and 40 percent are cleared up.

– We are not seeing great numbers, says investigator Amir Rostami.

Need to think crime prevention

Rostami believes that there is a lack of crime prevention thinking when, for example, corona support and electricity support were developed.

– Then it should be quick, it should be easy. You don’t have the crime prevention mindset, says Rostami and continues:

– The money is pumped out and those systems will be abused.

Six proposals against grant fraud

The investigation proposes six measures to deal with grant fraud.

One of the proposals is a simpler and more robust regulatory framework and forcing authorities to do more crime prevention work.

The investigation also proposes expanded opportunities for data collection for the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and the Swedish Pensions Agency. If fraud is suspected, it is suggested that they be allowed to collect information from, among other things, banks, employers and other authorities.

One proposal is also that the Ecocrime Authority should be responsible for investigating grant fraud.

– Organized crime are specialists in committing crimes, they need to be met by specialists in law enforcement, says investigator Amir Rostami.

Large parts of incorrect payments are not currently subject to sanctions according to Rostami. Therefore, a new penalty fee is proposed for those who have provided incorrect information.

Proposes contribution freeze

The last proposal that was presented at the press conference was a bar for those who have been convicted of grant offences.

– We think it is a powerful and important measure, says Amir Rostami.

In that case, the person who is convicted of a contribution violation must be suspended from the welfare system for a specified period of time. The proposal also includes exceptions for people who have livelihood problems.

– The proposals must now be prepared further in the Government Office, before they go out for consultation, says Anna Tenje.
