New co-op game on Steam shows lightning-fast action in the trailer – even makes your death look kind of cool

A thrilling new trailer provides a glimpse into the gameplay of Windblown, the upcoming action roguelite from Dead Cells developers on Steam.

What is Windblown about? In Windblown you take on the role of a warrior who has to save his home from impending doom. The lightning-fast action roguelite comes from Motion Twin, the makers of Dead Cells.

The Ark, a floating village around a deadly vortex, is threatened by terrible emissaries. In this fast-paced adventure, you must fight your way through ever-changing islands, discover secrets and face off against the Guardians of the Vortex.

You can unlock deadly weapons, view death as a lesson, and even fight with other players in online co-op mode to improve your chances.

You can see the trailer for the game here:

Dead Cells, but in 3D and with co-op mode

Who are the creators? The studio that also developed Dead Cells is behind the game. In contrast to Windblown, Dead Cells has a 2D look and has received a total of over 125,000 reviews on Steam, where it is rated extremely positively and is considered by many to be one of the best games there.

A big advantage of their new game Windblown, however, is probably the co-op aspect, which was still missing in Dead Cells. How many players in total can play together does not yet seem to be clear. However, the trailer reveals that the three of you can definitely explore this new world.

When does the game come out? An exact release date for Windblown is not yet known. What is certain, however, is that according to the developers it will appear in Early Access on Steam this year.

Reactions from the community: The reactions to the video on YouTube are overwhelmingly positive, and players seem to be eager for the release. The comments particularly highlight the game’s art style and music. The death animations are also very popular in the community.

This is what some write under the video:

  • Darknickcv5k comments: I guess Motion Twin really likes to make their death animations unique. I mean, before it was a green blob possessing a headless corpse, and now it’s an axolotl puking?! Truly majestic
  • aintnowaybruh writes: This is basically a Co-Op Hades and I can’t wait
  • hedwyn8803 notes: The art direction reminds me so much of Spiral Knights, I’m excited to see more of this game!
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