(Finance) – Net insuranceinsurance company controlled by Poste Italiane, closed 2024 with a operating result equal to 29.9 million euros, more than doubling the similar pre -delisting value, which had been – in 2022 – to 13.8 million euros.
There collection At 31 December 2024 it reaches 277.4 million euros, recording an overall increase of 15% compared to the previous year. This growth is mainly driven by the guarantees of the life sector (+21%), for which there is an increase both on the CQ, in particular on the pensioner segment, as well as on Credit Protection products dedicated to banks. For the first time, in the year just passed, the prizes of the Bancassurance and broker sectors exceed a total of the threshold of 100 million euros.
THE insurance revenues They bring to 184.3 million euros, up 37.1% compared to 2023, while the costs for insurance services (including charges for claims and expenses actually incurred) are at 133.8 million euros (+26.5% compared to the previous year). The Result of insurance servicesTherefore, it amounts to 31 December 2024 to 50.5 million euros, towards € 28.6 million in 2023. The contribution of the reinsurance to this result, thanks to the high quality of the technical results obtained, is negative for 12 million euros.
The Result of investments It is overall equal to 20.3 million euros and includes the revenue on the Augustus title (equal to 7.5 million euros), the result of the recovery activity linked to the story of the so -called black swan.
The Combined Ratio ends with 83%, while the Solvency II Ratio It stands in the 183%area.
“The results relating to 2024 are objectively excellent both in terms of collection and profitability – said theTo Andrea Battista – They confirm once again the appreciation of our partners and the validity of the open and multispecial business model that characterizes the company. But the acceleration and enhancement of the company’s path in the last two years after Delisting is also indisputable.