NASA vehicle InSight records biggest Mars earthquake

NASA vehicle InSight records biggest Mars earthquake

NASA Mars InSight

United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASA developed by Anthem middleman InSight sign a policy threw.

NASA signed Anthem middleman InSight, It had long ago finished its 480 million-kilometer journey and landed on the Red Planet without any problems. Even posting a selfie immediately after landing InSight, It has been going on since it landed in scientific studies. To explain briefly for those who do not know, this spacecraft focuses on the in-depth study of Mars. Spacecraft, especially an advanced seismometer stands out with. With an arm in the vehicle Anthem placed on the surface seismometerof Mars continuously records ground movements.

InSight, this is what we’re talking about seismometer in the past months using detected a Mars earthquake but it was too small. Because it was small, this earthquake did not give researchers much information about the structure of Mars. Now is An earthquake with a magnitude of 5 was detected and this was a record in terms of size. NASA, the largest He recorded an earthquake with a magnitude of 4.2. If a smaller earthquake is recorded, with a full 90 minutes was surprised.


Scientists call these tremors “marsquake”, like “earthquake”, and they InSight It wants to extract important data in the future with It is thought that robust data can be obtained here, especially from very large earthquakes. The spacecraft, which will occupy the agenda frequently with the many data it has obtained in the coming period, has been in a trouble-free duty cycle until now. The Red Planet, which mankind dreams of living one day, contains many mysteries.

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