NASA made music of exoplanet discoveries reaching 5,000

NASA made music of exoplanet discoveries reaching 5000

US National Aeronautics and Space Administration NASAthe number of which has reached exactly 5 thousand exoplanet turn your discoveries into music brought.

NASA, recently signed an interesting study. Partnering with Andrew Santaguida and Matt Russo, the institution produced the video, which you can watch above. In this video, exoplanets that have been found since 1991 are presented in a musical structure. NASA states that by transforming the data they obtained into such a study, they let users hear the speed of discovery. The exoplanets, whose number has reached 5 thousand as of March 21, 2022, are shown with different rings in the video according to their discovery dates. According to NASA’s statement, the rings that appear in the video indicate the relative size of the exoplanet’s orbit, and the color indicates the discovery method. The music heard in the video is everything that is discovered. exoplanet It has been created by playing a note for

The pitch of the note indicates the relative orbital period of the planet. Planets that take longer to orbit their stars are heard as lower notes, while planets orbiting faster are heard as higher notes. The sum of these creates a musical content that sounds good.

Exoplanet or exoplanet is used for planets that are exactly outside the Solar System and orbiting another star. Speaking for the 5,000th discovery, Jessie Christiansen, a researcher at NASA’s Exoplanet Science Institute, said in a statement, “This is not just a number. Each one is a new world, a brand new planet. I’m excited for each one of them because we don’t know anything about them.” their expressions uses.

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