‘My grandpa and grandma’s house in Hoograven is now a community room, but it was already that’

My grandpa and grandmas house in Hoograven is now a

Housing corporation Portaal opened the fourth Buurtkamer in the province at the beginning of June, at Stormdijklaan 10 in the Hoograven district. The idea is that local residents can easily organize something with each other here and knock on the door if they have questions, or want to talk to the housing corporation or authorities such as the municipality (Werk en Inkomen, Schuldhulpverlening, JOU Jongerenwerk) or Dock.

The house on Stormdijklaan had been empty since Rien Meegdes died there on July 11, 2022. He lived there from August 15, 1956, together with my grandmother Alie and the five children they had, including my mother. My grandfather and grandmother were the first and last residents of the house. In honor of this, today – exactly 67 years later – the Rien and Alie living room will be opened in the new Buurtkamer.
