Murder suspect wanted in custody – previously convicted

During the early Friday afternoon, a badly injured woman in her 80s was found outside a stairwell. The snow was bloody and there was an overturned walker on the spot.

The woman was taken to hospital but her life could not be saved.

– I have been awake for two nights thinking about her, said one of the neighbors who knew the woman to SVT on Sunday.

Shortly after the crime, the police arrested a woman in her 30s, who is now wanted in custody on suspicion of murder. According to the police, she must have been aggressive and tried to attack several other people after the crime.

Previously convicted

The woman now suspected of murder has a history of compulsory psychiatric care. At the same time, she appears several times in the charge register.

Among other things, she was sentenced earlier this year for several cases of assault and vandalism after she carved an upside-down cross on the window of a funeral parlor and she also carved a “Z” on a car.

The article is updated.
