She wins the Robinson in the spring of 2024

The last time a girl won “Robinson” was 12 years ago. In this year’s season, it is clear that a girl will win even before the final, when Olivia Lindegren, Simone Sjöström and Maureen Asic become this year’s finalists.

And the one who wins – and ensures that the pattern is broken – is Olivia.

– That is probably what makes it feel extra big, that you are the person who breaks that pattern. I’m just so proud of that thing, to be able to prove that girls can too, of course, says Olivia to TV4.

– It feels completely unreal.

Broke down before the final

But standing three girls in the final did not only result in positive feelings.

– I have probably never been so nervous in my entire life, I think. I remember that off cam, when we talked to Anders, I cried hysterically. A participant manager had to take care of me and I didn’t know if I would be able to handle it. It was disgusting, says Olivia.

She stands there at the end with the winner’s statuette in her hand, but her Robinson adventure was close to ending much sooner than that. Olivia wanted to leave Robinson after only a couple of days on the island.

– It’s become such a damn reality check, to think how nice it is when you challenge your fears and do things that are really scary, because look what it can do. How much you could have missed. It’s a scary thought that if I had listened to my fears and gone home, none of this would have happened, she says.

– I really carry that with me, I am incredibly proud and happy that I stayed, she continues.

“An inner journey from start to finish”

Once she left Robinson after the win, she thought “never again”. Today, she can imagine doing it “a hundred times over”.

– When I got home and landed in it, I can see that the time on the island was the best time of my life. In fact, I felt better than ever there, from not being in the everyday stress. They lived in the most simple way, it makes you think, says Olivia.

– It was an inner journey from beginning to end.

Stream Robinson on TV4 Play

In a desolate place, the participants fight in spectacular competitions and against the forces of nature in the hope of taking home half a million kroner.
