Mozilla CEO Mitchelle Baker is stepping down

Mozilla offers paid service to scan personal information sold

firefox The head of the Mozilla company behind the browser and more Mitchell Baker will leave office today announced.

As far as reported, he has been serving as Mozilla CEO since 2020. Mitchelle Baker, current board member as interim CEO Laura Chambers’leaves it to. With this surprise step, Baker is stepping down as CEO, but he is not leaving the company. It is stated that Baker will assume the role of chief executive officer from now on. Mozilla says Chambers will focus on two main goals in his new role and says these: ““Improving the company’s vision and product strategy and improving its innovation infrastructure.” explains as. Mozilla Before this, it had made a splash with a good service. For those who missed it Mozilla Recently “Monitor PlusIt introduced a new paid subscription service called “. This new service, which costs $ 8.99 per month as part of an annual subscription, reportedly includes information collected from sources such as social media sites, applications and browser trackers. scans your information on more than 190 sites where personal data is sold And When it finds something it automatically tries to remove it. He knew that it was impossible to track these leaks personally, so he set up an automatic system. Mozillafor this process onerep He states that they have established a partnership with a company called. The system, which may not appeal to everyone but will make some people’s lives much easier, also guides people to manually delete their data that is for sale.

