Local broadcasting becomes regional broadcasting, what will we notice? ‘Work more efficiently and better journalism’

Local broadcasting becomes regional broadcasting what will we notice Work

There are also sometimes broadcasters that do not want to participate at all with the larger regional broadcaster. This way, Radio Stad Montfoort remains independent, and the formation of a major broadcaster on the Heuvelrug is far from complete. As far as the NLPO is concerned, Amersfoort should go together with Soest, Baarn, Bunschoten and Leusden. But Amersfoort has chosen to set up Nieuwsplein33, its own news platform, in collaboration with RTV Utrecht. “When we put Nieuwsplein33 on paper, the regional broadcasting structure was not yet clear,” explains editor-in-chief Kees Hoogendijk. The Amersfoort broadcaster is now sitting down with Eemland1 to look at the possibilities. “We have had to overcome quite a few obstacles, but there are conversations. We both said we want to work together. But in practice this is not easily arranged. Eemland1 is a traditional broadcaster with radio and television, and we are a website and app. How do you combine that?” The broadcasters now want to investigate this further together. So the conversations continue. Hoogendijk: “Because if we don’t do anything, you will definitely miss out. You can’t wait.”
