More arrests are expected after the German coup plots

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Bold are several groups of right-wing extremists and conspiracy theorists who call themselves “Reichsbürger” or “Reichsregierungen”. The first appeared in the 1980s and have grown stronger in the last ten to twelve years.

The basic ideology is anti-Semitic, historical revisionist and anti-democratic. In addition to rejecting democracy, many also forcefully deny that the Holocaust occurred.

The groups claim that the German constitution is a continuation of the war against the German Empire and that the government was imposed on the German people by the victorious Western powers. The goal is for the Federal Republic of Germany to lose its legitimacy.

Reichsbürger is not a homogeneous group, but there are tensions between different factions. Some are staunch neo-Nazis, others believe that Hitler is still alive after escaping with a UFO to Antarctica.

Reichsbürger have been shown to be prepared to resort to violence on previous occasions. In 2016, one policeman was killed and three were seriously injured when Reichsbürger opened fire during a raid outside Nuremberg.

Source: Bundeszentrale fur politische Bildung, Tageschau
