Mooc: what is it?

Mooc what is it

Mooc is the abbreviation of Massive Open Online Course promoted by major American universities like Harvard. If the term is passed in the current field, it is recommended to speak of Clot (online course open to all) or Clom (massively open online course). The Mooc started from an American initiative, from which the French then drew inspiration.

A successful American initiative

Since 2012, major universities like Stanford, Harvard or the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) make free online courses available to millions ofstudents. The review of certification and graduation are nonetheless chargeable. The Mooc has largely inspired non-American universities, but also companies like DeepLearning.AI. The process accelerates the democratization of knowledge as well as pedagogies.

The Moocs in France

In 2013, the government created the France University platform digital (FUN) to broadcast online courses, most often in French. We note:

  • 11 million registrations to more than 1,800 Mooc sessions that were broadcast around the world;
  • 160 partners who produce online courses.

Classes are free, but registration for exams is chargeable. Students can receive a certificate of follow-up. It is possible to register anonymously.

What is a Mooc used for?

The Moocs disseminate knowledge on a large scale. They participate in lifelong learning and are a real advantage on a CV. There are thousands of online training courses.

Thousands of online training

The Mooc gives you access to a considerable catalog of online training. It helps to democratize the teaching of distant establishments, located abroad, in Ile-de-France or in large provincial towns, or even large companies. It contributes to the fight against unemployment, to the creation of VSE-PME and participates in continuing training. It constitutes an additional chance for the autodidacts. It strengthens the influence of French culture and education system abroad.

The Mooc is a real advantage over a CV

A Mooc will always favorably impress a recruiter. It shows that you know how to train yourself in autonomy and build yourself a coherent CV, which will highlight your adaptability. You can choose between upgrading and providing a new education. It is advisable to register it in the training section. You can of course make it a badge on Linkedin.

How does a Mooc work?

The operation of the Mooc is very simple. It is part of the logic of digital learning. You just have to register and learn the content of the lessons. You can get credits or a certification.

Register for a Mooc

Even before registration, a page shows you the duration total Mooc, usually several weeks, and the number of hours per week that the teacher deems necessary to reach the required level. Diplomas are offered to you if you meet the Mooc requirements. All in all, you will need a valid email address and a computer or tablet.

Certification according to platforms

Depending on the platform and how you progress, you may be able to earn credits or a degree certification. Some of Mooc’s platforms include:

  • Fun, the French platform;
  • My Mooc, the French-speaking leader;
  • Coursera;
  • edX, which depends on Harvard;
  • Udacity (Silicon Valley);
  • Futurelearn (which belongs to the Open University).

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