Millions in wildlife conservation grants get the green light

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

Non-profit nationwide organizations can annually apply for organizational or operating grants from the fund. The state grants must promote game conservation or other similar purposes that are in line with the purpose of the Hunting Act.

This time, 14 applications totaling approximately SEK 27 million were received from nine different organizations. Five of them get money.

The Swedish Hunters’ Association receives SEK 9.3 million, the Swedish Hunters’ Association close to SEK 5.1 million, the Swedish Stövarklubben just under SEK 1.2 million, the Studiefrämjandet Riksförbund SEK 740,000 and the Swedish ADB Club (breed club for dogs) is awarded SEK 500,000.

The Swedish Environmental Protection Agency may use a maximum of SEK 16.8 million annually for these grants. The money that is not used can be used by the agency for other parts of the government’s mission regarding game conservation or kept by the Kammarkollegiet in the game conservation fund.

The applications are assessed on the basis of whether they are in line with the strategy for Swedish game management, are aimed at huntable or potentially huntable species and whether they show a strong connection between hunting and game management.
