Midjourney is powered by the interesting “Pan” tool brought this time

Midjourney is powered by the interesting Pan tool brought this

From artificial intelligence-based visual production systems midjourneymanaged to attract attention with the “Pan” tool, which was introduced this time.

midjourney, in use for a long time V4 The V5 version was sent, which was absolutely breathtaking with its version and brought great improvements. You can handle what you type or in other words the commands you give incredibly well. artificial intelligence-based content production system that makes visual For the “v5.1” version, “v5.2” has been released recently and the quality has been raised another level. Much criticized in V5 version and V4 version “hand/finger problems“The company that mostly solved it, especially for v5.1 “The images presented in the release are more consistent, sharp and beautiful. The new version is easier to use and now responds to instructions more precisely/accurately. We’ve also added a “RAW” mode to give our power users more creative control.” had made the statement. For Firm v5.2 version, “v5.2 includes improved aesthetics, consistency, text comprehension, sharper images, higher variation modes, a zoom system, and a new /shorten command to analyze your prompt input. Enjoy!” he said. The most notable innovation of v5.2 is useful “removal system” it happened. This system midjourney It expands the frame of the images produced in it is possible to move away from the object positioned on the foundation. The system, which fills the new data after the divergence in accordance with the original image, of course, offers 1.5x and 2x distance for now. Thanks to this system, for example, a portrait photograph that you have produced in the form of a close-up, You can turn it into a large square with the whole body of the model..


Now, it brings great creative possibilities to the table. “Pan” tool makes a sound, this tool allows you to stretch the image you have produced to the side you want, or in other words, expand it. knows. Allowing multiple expansions on top of each other, and “Remix” How the interesting system works, which switches to a different style in each expansion via the button, directly Here It can be seen in the shared video. Meanwhile midjourney inside a “Weird” The mod has also been added. Images produced when this is selected getting weirder and differenthere from 3 to 3,000 “weirdness setting option” is offered. There is a serious usage fee after the trial version. midjourney directly to the service You can find it here.
