Microsoft Surface Hub 2 Introduced – Price and Features

Microsoft Surface Hub 2 Introduced Price and Features

Microsoftwith very impressive features Surface Hub 2 Introduced its Smart Camera. But Microsoft Surface Hub 2 not an ordinary webcam if its price 800 dollars. Microsoft, Surface Hub 2 Smart Camera; says it’s the best professional-grade AI-powered camera on the market.

Surface Hub 2, A 12MP camera with field view up to 136 degrees. It is capable of focusing both near and far objects up to 8 meters. Interestingly, the camera focuses on multiple areas at once. And it automatically identifies a speaker in a room. Microsoft Surface Hub 2 Smart Camera; up to 1 teraflop promises computing power and Surface Pro 6It uses the same processor as in .

rich in AI Surface Hub 2compensates for tilt, wide-angle corrections and distortions. It also detects users in different postures, lighting conditions and room types.

Surface Hub 2unlike the common webcam, which often selects a single person, a multi-person to capture the event in the conference room designed. It stands out for its ability to focus on a group of people in a room with the same high-quality focus.
