Mes, pass the suspension. We’ll talk about it again in November

Mes pass the suspension Well talk about it again in

(Finance) – The Chamber of Deputies approves the suspensive question of the majority which suspends the examination of the ratification of the Mes for four months.
There were 195 votes in favor, 117 against.

Ministers Antonio Tajani and Gilberto Pichetto Fratin were present at the vote, as well as various undersecretaries.

This is the reform of the European Stability Mechanism established in 2012, which had already been approved at European level by the previous Conte 2 government. Parliamentary ratification is therefore needed to bring it into force and Italy is being examined by the entire Eurozone having remained the only country in the Union that has not ratified it.

“The ESM, in its current configuration, therefore remains an intergovernmental organization, therefore not part of the bodies of the European Union and, for this reason, not subject to the democratic control of the European Parliament or to the technical one of the European Commission, and this private component can generate conflicts with the public management of economic policy “, reads the text of the suspensive question of the ESM ratification bill, presented by the majority in the Chamber, and signed by the four group leaders (Foti, Molinari, Barelli and Lupi).
