Menopause: half of women hide it from their partner

Menopause half of women hide it from their partner

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Odile Bagot (Gynecologist-obstetrician)

    In 2022, menopause is still a taboo subject. Latest evidence? A recent British study reveals that half of menopausal women prefer to hide this upheaval from their partner.

    According to a British study conducted by OnePoll and commissioned by the TENA brand, more than half of women hide the period of menopause from their partner. A fifth of them even confides that they have not spoken of this change to anyone.

    Menopause “dreaded” by 39% of women

    Of the 2,000 women questioned, 43% explained that they felt “completely alone” in the face of these upheavals.

    Nearly 8 out of 10 participants did not discuss this step with a parent and 77% did not even speak to their mother, despite being aware of this upheaval.

    An equally “silent” menopause in the friendly and professional sphere. Thus, 60% of postmenopausal women have not talked about it to their friends and 76% have not consulted a health professional to discuss the subject.

    These silences often hide a deeper fear according to the researchers. “For 25% of them, the difficulty in approaching the subject comes from the fact that they think the subject is taboo, or that they fear that others will perceive it that way”.

    10% of 1,378 women surveyed admitted, meanwhile, “that they didn’t want it to happen, or just pretended it didn’t.”.

    For Odile bagot, gynecologist, the reason for this silence is much simpler:

    This upheaval is not necessarily taboo, it is just not a subject. We have the right – or not – to talk about it!.

    Also according to the study, menopause would be “dreaded“by 39% of the women surveyed (part of the group is pre-menopausal, editor’s note).

    Indeed, it is the prospect of menopause that is anxiety-provoking, the expectation of this event. The problem lies in the male representation that women have of this idea. What will my companion think? This new image, associated with old age and/or lack of sex can be terrorizing” admits Dr. Odile Bagot.

    Nevertheless, once the event has passed, the expert affirms that the majority of women are completely “in tune with themselves”.

    Finally, the generation difference influences the way of approaching intimate subjects (periods, menopause, sexual relations, number of partners, etc.).

    “For too long postmenopausal women have suffered in silence”

    It is no wonder that this word strikes fear in the hearts and minds of women all over the world. For too long postmenopausal women have suffered in silence, alone and afraid of the future“said presenter Lisa Snowdon, campaign supporter.

    Synonymous with middle age, in an ageist society, menopause is not celebrated, but is seen as the beginning of a decline. Yet by discussing menopause with our daughters, nieces, mothers, grandmothers, friends and partners, we could end this cycle of loneliness and close this educational gap.“, she continued in the columns of the Daily Mail.

    The study nevertheless revealed that many postmenopausal women (47%) found “benefits” to this hormonal upheaval, such as the end of menstruation and premenstrual syndrome, sexual intercourse without contraception, gains linked to the non-purchase of products hygienic…

    Positive aspects that should be “diffused” more according to the majority of women questioned (71%).
