Mega Hollywood film Babylon provokes extreme reactions

Mega Hollywood film Babylon provokes extreme reactions

Whenever Damien Chazelle makes a new film, he gets the attention of the film industry. From Whiplash to La La Land to Moonlight: Despite these three outstanding directorial efforts in a row, nothing seems to be able to prepare us for his latest work. The first reactions to Babylon sound very crazy.

Thanks to Margot Robbie and Brad Pitt, Babylon turns out to be a little Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood reunion. That fits: The project was announced as a Hollywood homage. However, the film seems far removed from a dreamy declaration of love à la La Land. Rather we have it to do with a cinema beast.

First reactions to Damien Chazelle’s Oscar nominee Babylon

The first press screening of the film took place a few hours ago. Based on initial reactions, Babylon vacillates between masterpiece and catastrophe. Awards Ace’s Erick Weber speaks of one flaming mess and a tonal disaster. According to him, Babylon is one of the worst films of the year.

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Variety critic Jazz Tangcay promises the opposite. On Twitter she writes about a film that is extravagant and decadent, but ultimately phenomenal. Margot Robbie delivers the best performance of her career away. There’s also another standout score from La La Land composer Justin Hurwitz.

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If you’ve always wanted to see Margot Robbie puke in a jet on an old stuffy man in a tuxedo, Babylon could have you covered, according to Yahoo Entertainment’s Kevin Polowy. According to him, Babylon is the strangest, most extravagant Hollywood declaration of love any times.

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The next big hit comes from New York Times writer Kyle Buchanan, who is clearly taken with the cinematic experience that Babylon makes possible. The highlight seems to be an elephant who craps straight into the camera, not to mention a golden shower afterwards. Yes, that sounds like an Oscar nominee.

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The Playlist’s Gregory Ellwood supports the chaotic notion, outlining a fever dream that works best when it is leaning into the comedy elements. Acting, he’s enthralled by Brad Pitt and Jovan Adepo, while being disappointed by Margot Robbie’s character.

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a dazzling, dizzying cacophony insane depravity – that is the verdict of film critic Courtney Howard. Babylon impresses with its costumes and production design. Howard describes the film as a rebellious, outrageous portrayal of Hollywood’s hedonistic golden age.

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Babylon starts on January 19, 2022 in German cinemas.

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Are you going to see Babylon in the cinema?
