Meet Femtech, these start-ups that aim to improve women’s health

Meet Femtech these start ups that aim to improve womens health

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Technologies to follow its menstrual cycle or diagnose endometriosis: “femtech”, these companies dedicated to women’s health, are booming, responding to needs that had not yet been taken into account, or not enough.

In Lille, the company Lattice Medical is working on breast reconstruction for women who have undergone ablation breast, due tocancer. For this, the start-up, created in 2017, has developed an implant that regenerates the patient’s fatty tissue. ” We offer an alternative to the implant in silicone : a 3D printed implant, which uses a fully resorbable biomaterial “, explains Julien Payen, co-founder of the company, which counts on a clinical test by the end of the year.

Improving women’s health

This is one of the solutions offered by the emerging femtech market, a contraction of female and technology. The term, quite a catch-all, includes companies that have developed technologies intended to improve the health and well-being of women.

These may be, for example, tools for diagnosticespecially for endometriosis. The Ziwig start-up, co-founded and chaired by entrepreneur Yahya El Mir, has thus developed a saliva test which allows, she says, the early detection of all forms of endometriosis, in women who are often medically wandering. This test is based on the technology of sequencing high debit and calls on artificial intelligence. Ziwig has also set up a follow-up platform for patients. ” We are in discussion with the health authorities in France, indicates Yahya El Mir, which recognizes public awareness, thanks to the work of patient associations “.

the menstrual cycle is also the subject of news appsintended to determine the moment of theovulation for example. Without forgetting the post-childbirth. The Strasbourg start-up Fizimed has developed a perineal rehabilitation probe, connected to an application mobilewhich allows every woman to do her exercises ” at home, in complete privacy, with a playful aspect to encourage motivation “, explains Emeline Hahn, the founder of this young shoot. This probe, already on the market, is even reimbursed in Germany.

Femtech, a buoyant market

L’emergence of these companies marks a change in mentality, highlighting light themes neglected until very recently: the particularities of women’s health. ” It’s a movement which starts, there is a change of gear on this subject. We were talking more about Cancer of prostate than endometriosisanalyzes Chahra Louafi, investment director specializing in health for Bpifrance. The word is freed. »

The market would represent 50 billion dollars in 2024, according to the American firm Frost & Sullivan. In reality, if estimates vary, this sector potentially concerns half of humanity.

Femtech uses little used words, like vagina, uterus

For his part, Julien Payen says he is optimistic: “ there are more and more qualitative projects in this sector “, which attracts more and more investors, he believes. But there is still a long way to go, admit the entrepreneurs. ” Femtech uses words that are not widely used, like vagina, uterus. But not everyone is the same speedremarks Emeline Hahn. On online sales platforms in the United States, ” certain rehabilitation devices pelvis are considered “adult products” “, she regrets as well. Or when health products are transformed into dildos by the algorithms of internet giants…

There’s still much to doabounds Yahya El Mir, noting that investors usually go on pathologies classics that drain a lot of investment. On women’s health, there are few actors. » A matter ofsilver, but not only, he judges. ” Funding is an important element, but these questions must be a social project. »

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