Media: Suffering from a supply shortage, the Russian army is now buying millions of ammunition from North Korea

EPN in Eastern Ukraine People are very worried This will

Putin watched Russia’s major military exercise with China. Russia is believed to be trying to strengthen its ties to Asia after the bridges to the west have been burned.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin followed a large military exercise on Tuesday, in which, in addition to Russia, at least China, Syria and India participate. Vostok-2022 exercises began in eastern Russia last week and are scheduled to end on Wednesday.

The purpose of the exercises is apparently to strengthen Russia’s ties to Asia at a time when the West has imposed sanctions on Russia after it invaded Ukraine. It is particularly important for Russia to maintain relations with China, but the Putin administration has tried to strengthen its relations with African and South American countries as well.

According to Russia, more than 50,000 soldiers and 5,000 units of military equipment, including 140 aircraft and 60 warships, will participate in the exercises. Similar exercises were last organized in 2018.

On Wednesday, Putin’s trip will take him to Vladivostok, where he is expected to give a speech at the event of the Eastern Economic Forum EEC. Vladivostok will also be visited by the third man of the Chinese administration Li Zhanshuwho is the highest-ranking Chinese politician to visit the country after Russia invaded Ukraine.

Media: North Korea sells ammunition to Russia

In connection with Putin’s visit, media information also spread to the public, according to which Russia was buying millions of artillery ammunition and rockets from North Korea. The matter is reported by international news agencies and, among others, a US newspaper New York Times (you will switch to another service).

According to the New York TIMES, the sanctions imposed by the United States and Europe have caused Russia to turn to the countries of the West to acquire military equipment. Russia also recently bought airplanes made in Iran.

According to an anonymous US intelligence source who commented on the matter to news agencies, Russia’s turning to North Korea shows that the Russian armed forces have serious equipment shortages in Ukraine, partly due to sanctions and import bans.

Russia’s arms trade with North Korea has not been officially confirmed. There is no more detailed information on the size, content or schedule of the arms delivery.
