Maximum of the alpha-Aurigid meteor shower

Maximum of the alpha Aurigid meteor shower

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The swarm ofshooting Stars des alpha-Aurigides is active from August 25 to September 5. It takes its name from the constellation where it comes from: constellation of the coachmanwhich in Latin is said auriga.

It was in 1935 that this swarm was identified. It is associated with the comet Kiess 1911 II, a comet passing near the Sun every two centuries, and which was discovered by theastronomer American Carl Clarence Kiess on July 16, 1911.

Meteors streak across the sky speed 66 kilometers per second, so they are very fast compared to the slowest, whose speed is 25 km/s.

To observe the alpha-Aurigids, look for the constellation Coachman above the eastern horizon, around 3:30 UT. The hourly rate is 6. The absence of the Moon will only be beneficial.
