Maternity: should the number of visits be limited?

Maternity should the number of visits be limited

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    in collaboration with

    Dr Odile Bagot (Gynecologist-obstetrician)

    The health crisis has had negative impacts, but it has also been revealing. This is the case for maternities, where visits have been prohibited due to Covid-19. What if this measure was beneficial for couples and their babies? In any case, this is the observation of the doctors.

    A breath of fresh air for the young people who have given birth, the majority of whom plead for this to continue. What is it then? Limiting visits to maternity wards, in the interest of young parents. Should this measure be extended? The question is asked by the Public Assistance of Marseille hospitals which is launching a commission on the subject.

    73% of mothers satisfied or very satisfied

    The benefits of this ban are many. Families were able to have more time for themselves, mothers rested better. As a result, the families, in general, were more relaxed during this stay, which is known to be both physically and emotionally taxing.

    An ongoing study involving 456 women has been launched to scientifically confirm the impact of this initially health measure. They all gave birth between June and July 2021, in different maternities, being therefore subject to the restriction of visits: 73% of them say they are satisfied or very satisfied with the situation.

    Follow your pregnancy week by week

    Towards a new model?

    Indeed, when visits were allowed, it was more difficult for some families to refuse visits, even if the young mothers and their babies needed rest.

    Following the benefits felt by this restrictive measure, some doctors suggest conducting a reflection around a new model that would restrict visits to the maternity ward for the well-being of mothers and their newborns.

    NO to diets, YES to WW!

    Let moms rest

    This is also the opinion of Dr. Odile Bagot, obstetrician-gynecologist and member of the Doctissimo expert committee: “I totally understand the feelings of these women who have just given birth, who are tired and feel the need to rest. For some, there is also the baby blues and postpartum emotions with the desire to cry, to isolate themselves and it is difficult when there are visitors. Young mothers should be left alone for at least the first 10 days after birth“. For the specialist, the measure as to a possible limitation of visits must in any case come from the maternities.
