Marine Le Pen’s project appeals to Donald Trump supporters

Marine Le Pens project appeals to Donald Trump supporters

Marine Le Pen enjoys a very positive image with supporters of Donald Trump. The possibility of Marine Le Pen arriving at the Élysée is a very positive signal according to them.

With our correspondent in Miami, David Thomson

Linda is quite proud of her red cap, autographed by her idol Donald Trump. Usually, this merchant from Miami is only interested in American politics. But with the approach of the second round in France, Linda would see Marine Le Pen winning the presidential election.

Trump and Le Pen are very similar »

American fake news says she’s a far-right fascist. Exactly like Trump! So I think if the media hates you, you’re probably doing a good job. »

Another Republican sympathizer, crossed in Miami, Miguel, 32 years old, however son of Cuban immigrants finds in Marine Le Pen the anti-immigration accents which one seduces in Donald Trump and praises their anti-immigration speech. ” Trump and Le Pen are very similar. They both say that you have to take care of the people of your country. Then we’ll take care of the others “.

Many, like Danièle, perceive the far-right candidate as hostile to health restrictions: “ Globalists like Macron literally say they want to piss off the unvaccinated! This is unacceptable and tyrannical! So if she wins, for me, that would be encouraging “. This distrust of the management of the health crisis is indeed the other reason for Marine Le Pen’s popularity with American conservatives.

On the side of the Republican tenors, love is less demonstrative

Marine Le Pen, favorite candidate of Trumpist activists. But on the side of the Republican tenors, love is less demonstrative. None, not even Donald Trump, officially supports Emmanuel Macron’s rival.

► To read also: Presidential 2022: Marine Le Pen accused of embezzlement in a European report
