Maneuver, Queen’s Option change? Government studies modification

Maneuver Queens Option change Government studies modification

(Finance) – The government is working on one last minute change of the standard relating to Female optioninserted in maneuver. This is learned from different sources of the majority. According to reports, the topic should also be the subject of an informal meeting with representatives of the majority and the Minister of Labor Marina Calderone. A possible changehowever, is linked to the problem of roofing: the current standard, which limits the pension advance to disadvantaged female workers only, greatly restricts the audience and additional resources are needed to change it. About 90 million euros.

On Women’s Option”we are working hard with the Mef to understand what might be the most appropriate solution to implement. I can’t make announcements today. But we are working”, explained the Undersecretary of Labor and Social Policies Claudio Durigon, answering a question about meeting news at the Ministry.

Silvio Berlusconi, meanwhile, lets it be known that Forza Italia supports “We will ask the majority for a further commitment on the tax reduction of new hires. He said this by speaking in videoconference at the meeting of the FI group in the Chamber -, also to offer a job for young people who today live on basic income, and to increase the lowest pensions, seriously eroded by inflation”.

As for the proposals put forward by the leader of Action, Carlo Calenda during yesterday’s meeting at Palazzo Chigi, will be examined in depth, from Industry 4.0 to income reformmeanwhile, government sources say in response to a question on the matter.

Meanwhile, the CGIL confirms the negative judgment on the Maneuver in the light of the definitive text. The National Steering Committee, reads a note, gives a mandate to the national secretariat, in comparison with Cisl and Uil, “to put in place all the necessary mobilization initiatives, none excluded, to support the unitary claim platforms and our requests aimed at obtaining the answers necessary to face this phase which risks rapidly worsening the condition of the people, increasing the social and territorial inequalities, block the country’s development”. “The Steering Committee – concludes the note – commits all the structures of the CGIL to support the mobilization process which will be defined by the National Secretariat”.

“It is wrong to resort to the strike, dialogue and discussion are needed to improve and strengthen the Budget Law. The executive committee of the CISL expresses an articulated judgment on the contents of the 2023 Budget Maneuver, announcing initiatives and assemblies in the workplace. “The bill – says the Cisl – integrates important measures into the emergency response, where it concentrates two thirds of the resources, guaranteeing support to workers, families and the production system until March 2023. However, it is weak and incomplete on the expansive side, in investments aimed at employment, infrastructure, industrial and energy strategies, in the revitalization of health and public services, in the ability to plan a new incomes policy and implement structural reforms”.

According to what was established by the conference of Montecitorio group leaders, the maneuver will arrive in the Chamber of Deputies on next 20 December at 10.30 with the general discussion. The votes will start from 2pm.
