“Macs with Apple Activation Lock and no usable build”

Macs with Apple Activation Lock and no usable build

apple “Activation Lock” on devices, it turns out, is sending a large number of usable builds of new Mac computers for recycling.

on Apple devices Activation Lock has feature. The company itself explains this useful feature as follows:When Activation Lock is unlocked, an iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Apple Watch becomes harder to use or sell by someone else. Managing Activation Lock with an MDM solution gives you the ability to turn off Activation Lock for your organization’s devices while simultaneously allowing your organization to take advantage of the theft deterrent functionality of this feature.” It is reported that because of this feature, many usable new Mac computers are sent for recycling. This lock can only be used on Mac computers with Apple Silicon or Apple T2 security chip. That is, due to the situation affecting the new generation devices even just 2 year old MacBook Airs with M1 are on the way to recycling. So what exactly is going on here?


Reportedly, second-hand sales of used Mac computers have had Activation Lock-centric issues for a long time. However, since this is the only device, it can be solved somehow, and the person who bought the product can ask the person to remove the lock. The problem occurs especially with Macs released by companies. Many companies replace the Mac computers they give to their employees every three to five years, and they don’t want to make huge money on the products they sell. That’s why companies sell Macs in bulk, not individually. This is exactly where the problem occurs. Intermediary companies that buy these products in bulk do not bother to remove the lock protection on the devices, it is very usable and sends the Macs to the recycling without any problems. The following statement is made in this regard:My company has sent over 2,500 locked items for recycling in the last 2-3 years. We are just a store. Think about the total waste Apple creates because of it.

Intermediary companies do not demand the removal of this system. Because this feature really brings anti-theft protection. Companies want Apple to bring a solution to the process. Apple is asked to create a claim system and send a message to the original buyer to unlock it. If there is no response from the original buyer, the lock is requested to be unlocked automatically. It seems unlikely that Apple will go such a route. Because Apple, like many other giant companies, attaches great importance to recycling, and produces many new products with materials collected from recycled products. Some details on this here you can reach.
