M wants to invest more in storing carbon dioxide

M wants to invest more in storing carbon dioxide

Published: Just now

full screen The moderates want to invest more in the separation and storage of carbon dioxide. Archive image. Photo: Michael Sohn/AP/TT

The moderates promise a flying start to capture and store carbon dioxide. From 2026.

The party proposes roughly SEK 36 billion for the years 2026–2046 to make it a reality.

The technology to capture and store carbon dioxide exists but is not yet commercially viable nor in place. In December, the government decided on operating support and tasked the Energy Agency with being responsible for the support.

The idea is that the support should be distributed based on an auction where actors can submit bids. A first auction is planned at the end of this year, after which it is estimated to take three years before a first storage can take place and aid is paid out.

The moderates believe that the government is skimping on its 400 million kroner annually and instead proposes around 1.8 billion kroner annually, or roughly 36 billion for the years 2026–2046.

A new government under the Moderates will also start negotiations with several countries on agreements for the transport and storage of carbon dioxide. Domestic storage sites must also be investigated. Permit processes must also be simplified.
