the town of El Fasher, surrounded by Hemedti’s paramilitaries, holds on

the town of El Fasher surrounded by Hemedtis paramilitaries holds

An uneasy calm reigns in El Fasher, capital of North Darfur. General Hamdan Daglo’s Rapid Support Forces launched an offensive on Friday May 10, 2024 on this city, repeatedly attacking the positions of General Al-Burhan’s army. And unlike other towns in Darfur, Nyala, El Geneina, El Fasher managed to resist paramilitary attacks.

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Ten days of offensive and El Fasher continues to resist to attacks. The Sudanese army – which has been driven from its other positions in Darfur – has regrouped its troops in this last major city still under its control. The ranks of the army were also reinforced by two important armed groups from Darfur based in El Fashe: the SLM of Minni Minawi and the Jem of Gibril Ibrahim, who both renounced their neutrality, to fight on the side of the ‘army.

And finally, the paramilitaries do not have much support among the population here, says a resident of El Fasher who adds that unlike Nyala or El Geneina, the population of the town is almost exclusively of the Zaghawa ethnic group, which is fiercely opposed to to the Arab tribes who make up the Forces of General Hamdan Daglo. Reports in recent days indicate reinforcements from both sides are on their way to El Fasher.

Lack of water and food in El Fasher

The capital of North Darfur province has more than 1.5 million inhabitants, including around 800,000 refugees, surrounded by paramilitaries. The lack of water and food is starting to be a real problem, says a resident of El Fasher who did not wish to be identified. “ The situation here is really difficult for everyone, because there is very little to eat. There has been an increase in the number of people in the city, because of all the shelters for the displaced… and therefore there is starting to be a shortage of food supplies. The markets are open, there are still products, but because of the paramilitary blockade, who have cut off all the roads around El Fasher, prices are very high. People are running out of food and water. »

Read alsoSudan: in El Fasher, residents caught between bombings, snipers and famine
