Lower gas bills with the new ARERA tariffs, but taxes weigh heavily

Gas ARERA June bill down slightly 11

(Tiper Stock Exchange) – THE ARERA announced last night a new reduction in the gas tariff for protected users, although this is not news now, while consumption is at its lowest for the year. More interest is aroused by the trends for next winter and the operating margins for a further reduction in the price, if prices should start to run again.

For the time being, the ARERA has signaled that natural gas has been registered a drop of 2.1% in Julyalready calculated taking into account the reduction of VAT to 5%. The price of the one gas raw material (CMEMm), for customers with contracts under protected conditions, it was therefore equal to 31.41 euros/MWhwhile they remain unchanged instead the general charges and the related fee cost of transport and measurement.

There gas expense for the typical family in the rolling year (August 2022-July 2023) is therefore equal to approximately 1,484 eurosgross of taxes, registering a -10.7% compared to the equivalent 12 months of the previous year (August 2021- July 2022).

But how is the price formed? And how much do taxes still affect? The ARERA also explains that the reference unit price of gas for the typical customer it is therefore equal to 88.46 euro cents per cubic metretaxes included, divided as follows: 38.11 cents euros (equal to 43.1% of the total bill) per the supply; 5.32 euro cents (6% of the bill) for the Retail; 22.38 euro cents (25.3% of the bill) for i distribution, measurement, transport services, equalization of distribution, quality; 1.12 euro cents (1.3% of the bill) for general charges of system. However, the price also affects the tax amounting to 21.53 cents euros (24.3% of the total bill), not only VAT (at 4.7%), but also excise duties (at 17.3%) and the regional surcharge (at 2.3%).

Assuming almost unchanged rates (-1%), Facile.it has predicted that in July the bill will be around 102 euroswith a saving of just 2 euros compared to the previous month. Compared to peaks achieved last year, the bill is still 28% lower compared to that of May 2022. “However, we must not let our guard down, especially in view of next winter”, explain the experts of Facile.it, who “recommend” to “monitor your consumption and periodically check the offers on the market so as to identify potential savings”.
