Love, grief and double weddings

Very recently, Hans Wahlgren was buried.
In Nyhetsmorgon, daughter Pernilla Wahlgren opens up about her father’s last time in life and how they found out about his last wishes through Benjamin.
– If you can say that the last time was fantastic, it was until the end, says Pernilla.

Pernilla Wahlgren describes it as great sadness and a personal tragedy to lose a parent – but also that life goes on.

– Dad got to live 86 years anyway. 86 fantastic years, she says on the morning sofa.

Parts of Hans Wahlgren’s last time were spent at Pernilla’s home, where the family had the chance to make the most of every moment together.

– Then we got the news about the course of His illness, that it was about weeks or months left to live. Then it was obvious that we had to make the most of this time, she says.

Paying tribute to Benjamin

Pernilla Wahlgren talks about the funeral and how important it was for her to get her father’s blessing to talk about his illness in public.

– But it was Benjamin who sat down with dad. Then he dared to go in and talk about the afterlife. How would you like your funeral, grandpa? What do you feel? Then we also learned how he wanted it for the funeral.

In addition, Pernilla and current husband Christian managed to get married before Hans became too ill.

– I felt it so clearly. I wanted Dad to hand me over to Christian.

Became a grandmother

And as icing on the cake, eldest son Oliver Ingrosso has become a father and Pernilla thus a grandmother. In addition, another wedding awaits with husband Christian.

– So many fantastic things have also happened, she says.

With her father’s passing on her mind, Pernilla feels a strong gratitude for each day.

– You become incredibly grateful for every day you get to be in life. People have anxiety because they are getting older. Why should you have it? Getting older is a blessing.

Among other things, Pernilla Wahlgren is current with a new season of Allsång at Skansen.

Yesterday 10:56

Pernilla Wahlgren about the wedding party and the future

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