Look what it does when it is drunk on an empty stomach! The unknown harm of coffee is surprising

Look what it does when it is drunk on an

Coffee, which gives vitality with the caffeine in it and is drunk by everyone from 7 to 70 to lose sleep, can cause many health problems when drunk on an empty stomach. Although coffee is known as a useful beverage for high energy and an open mind, care should be taken not to consume too much, especially on an empty stomach.


1) May cause reflux and heartburn

One of the biggest harms of drinking coffee on an empty stomach is the heartburn and reflux it creates in the stomach. When you take a bite of food you eat, the lower esophageal sphincter opens to allow food or drink to flow from your esophagus to your stomach. This structure closes when it reaches your stomach. But according to research on coffee, drinking coffee on an empty stomach relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter. This may cause this structure to not be completely closed. In other words, stomach acid can go up to your esophagus from the stomach and reflux can occur.

In addition, according to studies, coffee drunk on an empty stomach increases the risk of heartburn because it can stimulate stomach acidity.


For this reason, it will be beneficial to consume alkaline food with your coffee. Because research shows that alkaline foods such as boiled eggs, avocado toast or oatmeal reduce the level of stomach acid that coffee raises.

2) You may feel anxious and nervous

Caffeine in coffee is absorbed by the body within 45 minutes. It peaks in the bloodstream at some point between 15 minutes and two hours after consumption. If you feel nervous and anxious after drinking coffee, it is useful to reduce your coffee consumption or not to consume coffee on an empty stomach. If you eat with your coffee, it is possible to control this situation. However, if you are sure that the coffee is still not good, you can also try semi-decaf or decaffeinated coffee. Especially people who experience tension after coffee should not exceed one large filter coffee size during the day.

3) Your blood sugar can rise quickly


According to research in the British Journal of Nutrition, drinking black coffee on an empty stomach in the morning can harm blood sugar. Accordingly, coffee consumption on an empty stomach significantly impairs people’s blood sugar control. In the studies, there was no increase in blood sugar in people who had breakfast before. Having a regular blood sugar level reduces your risk of diabetes and heart disease. For this reason, if you want your blood sugar to be under control, you should be especially careful not to consume coffee on an empty stomach.


Studies show that late in the morning, after breakfast, you should wait a bit and drink coffee, and this time is the best time for coffee. In addition, experts warn that you should avoid coffee after 14:00 because this can affect your sleep patterns in the afternoon and evening. You should be careful not to drink coffee, especially in the evening. 400 milligrams of caffeine taken about six hours before bedtime causes sleep time to decrease by more than an hour.
