Long-term scholarship to Anders Sunna: “Of course you’ll be happy”

Three Sami artists have been awarded scholarships by the Artists’ Board.

The Sami visual artist Anders Sunna has been granted a long-term scholarship in image and form in 2023 of SEK 157,500 per year for 10 years.

– It’s fun and it’s clear that you’ll be happy, he says to P4 Norrbotten reports Sami Radio.

He continues:

– It is almost like a salary, that you secure a certain amount so that you can continue working.

Film director and artist Liselotte Wajstedt is also granted an artistic work grant in film of SEK 100,000 for two years.

In addition, film director Paul-Anders Simma is granted a work grant in film of SEK 80,000 for one year.

In the clip: Watch when Ánde Somby cheers Anders Sunna in front of the artist’s paintings in Venice.
