Linköping turned 0-3 to 6-4 after irritation

Linköping took the difficult route to secure the first three points away from home this season. The last three-pointer came in January, so it is one of the rare full-pointers for LHC away from home.

– It was really nice. They scored at the beginning but we believed in it, says Patrick Russell, who was at the center of the action, to TV4 Play.

Oskarshamn also had 4-2 until the beginning of the third period before LHC took over completely. At 4-4, they also had a 4-5 goal disallowed after Russell poked the puck in where the cage was possibly moved out of position. The incident was video reviewed.

– It was maybe a little out of position but it didn’t change anything, says Russell, who was annoyed after the disallowed goal.

“Asked the referee if it was a goal”

However, the game-winning goal would come for Russell. With six minutes he was freed and lifted 4-5 with a backhand and was able to complete the turnaround in front of the shocked and silent home crowd.

He had the failed goal in mind and went up to the referees to listen.

– I asked the referee if it was a goal, says Russell.

Oskarshamn had a violent pressure at the end to get an equaliser. Instead, Broc Little made it 6-4 in an empty cage while the home fans booed.

– We lose our heads in X number of situations and force plays and decisions that cost a lot, started to be felt already in the second period. It was strong from Linköping, but we have to look in the mirror and analyze what we could have done better, says Oskarshamn’s coach Martin Filander.
