Lightning-fast goal double when the champion won the premiership

Last minute The world stood up after Putins decision in

It started with glittering gold ice hockey images on the jumbotron.

And as it should be, the champion’s flag, the tenth in the order, was raised on the roof of Färjestad’s home arena in Karlstad.

Then the puck was dropped in the premiere meeting with Leksand.

Not much happened then. It was tentative, especially from the home side, throughout the first period.

Leksand answered for the little that was created – and if Färjestad’s new goalkeeper Matt Tomkin’s picking glove had been transparent, Justin Kloo’s conversion finish could very well have meant 1-0 for the visitors, but now the referees waved their heads after video review.

Lightning fast goal double

Instead, Färjestad took the lead when it really lit up at the beginning of the second period.

Team captain Linus Johansson led the way in the powerplay and just eleven seconds later, newly acquired Remi Elie introduced himself to his new home supporters. The 27-year-old Canadian with 107 NHL games on his record, the latest for Tampa Bay last year, was served by Marcus Nilsson and put 2-0 behind Leksand’s goalkeeper Kasimir Kaskisuo.

A little later, Justin Kloos was also noted as the scorer in the match report when he reduced the numerical advantage for Leksand.

The star decided

The decision came when Leksand got his third opportunity in the power play. Then the star defender Theodor Lennström read the away team’s Olle Alsing like a children’s book with considerably increased font and gave himself free until 3–1 and three points for Färjestad.

From the middle period onwards, Färjestad was the heavier team, although it was really only Victor Ejdsell who showed some of the physical ice hockey that characterized the Karlstad team’s success in the playoffs last spring. Leksand flashed with quick changes and Matt Tomkins had to make more “difficult” saves than his colleague Kaskisuo in the away cage.

— Our performance was good in the first period. Then we create a lot of chances and have a puck inside. Then we fall apart a bit, said Leksand’s coach Björn Hellkvist to C More
