Liberal majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court

Liberal majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court

In the United States, a progressive has just been elected to the Supreme Court of Wisconsin, which tilts the most important judicial body in the state in the liberal camp, with four liberals against three conservatives. And very important consequences, on the scale of Wisconsin, for the right to abortion among others, but also on the scale of the country.

Janet Protasiewicz had been very clear about her pro-abortion positions during the campaign. Wisconsin no longer performs any abortions since the United States Supreme Court last year gave states freedom to perform or name abortion.

Read also United States: the Supreme Court revokes the right to abortion

But in Wisconsin an 1849 law prohibits abortion with very rare exceptions, it must precisely be examined within a few months before the local Supreme Court – where since Tuesday it is therefore the liberals who dominate.

Another subject on which this Court could decide in favor of the Liberals: the electoral maps. For ten years, the Republicans have dominated the two chambers of the local assembly, they took the opportunity to cement their majority by drawing cards in their favor.

A practice that the Supreme Court of Wisconsin could declare unconstitutional, as other states have already done – thus giving the Democrats a better chance for the presidency of 2024. Democrats, who very early understood the importance of the Election of J Janet Protasiewicz: Millions of dollars poured in from out of state to support her, in what is, to date, the most expensive election to judicial office in US history. United: $40 million.

Read also United States: Wisconsin Supreme Court opposes extension of confinement
