Letter to Santa Claus: where to send his mail?

Letter to Santa Claus where to send his mail

Some children have already started writing their letter to Santa Claus. The sprites are ready to receive them and process them one after the other. Where to address your letter to Santa Claus? Can we send it by post? Here are the answers to your questions as well as letter templates to print or write.

[Mise à jour du 28 novembre à 16h52] It’s a 60-year-old French tradition. A few weeks before Christmas, Santa’s office opens and receives thousands of letters from children containing their gift lists, sometimes accompanied by a note or wishes to be fulfilled. Once the letter is posted in one of La Poste’s mailboxes, it is Santa’s famous elves who receive them. If all the letters are treated with the same interest, it does not prevent that a personalized letter with pretty sentences or thanks always pleases, even the old man with the white beard. But still need to know where to send his letter to Santa Claus. What is the address that should appear on the envelope? Several addresses are known, and all ultimately arrive at the same destination. Here is the addresses you can use as well as some letter templates to write if your child lack of inspiration. And if you want to innovate this year and make this moment a little more magical in the eyes of your toddler, why not opt ​​for a flying letter to Santa Claus, made possible thanks to a flying lantern made of 100% fireproof paper. The SkyLantern brand offers for sale, also available on the La Redoute website.

Where to send your letter to Santa Claus? Addresses

Santa Claus has an official secretariat, but you can write to him at several different addresses. Be careful, don’t try to use tricks by sending several letters to different addresses, they will all arrive at the same place, and the elves will quickly spot the clever ones! Here are the addresses you can use for your letter to Santa Claus:

  • Mr Santa Claus: December 25 workshop, 250 avenue des Nuages. 1000 North Pole
  • Small Santa : 1 rue du Ciel Étoile. North Pole
  • Santa Claus : Reindeer Avenue, Lapland
  • Santa Claus : 33500 Libourne, France.

Can you send your letter to Santa Claus by post?

La Poste opens, as every year in mid-November, its Santa’s office, located in Libourne, Gironde. To write to him, nothing could be simpler. Just clearly stipulate on the envelope “Santa Claus” for the recipient. And even if no address is specified, the reindeer will still send him the letter. The most imaginative can add “Rue des Nuages”, “Pôle Nord”, “Route des Rennes” Or just “Father Christmas, 33500 Libourne, France“. Santa’s little elves will receive the letter among the thousands of letters that reach them.

Should the letter to Santa Claus be stamped?

Also good to know: sending the letter to santa claus is totally free! No need to stamp your mail, you can even draw a nice Christmas tree on it instead, for example if you want. La Poste, and many dedicated agents, are responsible for processing these letters of the utmost importance free of charge!

Model letters to Santa Claus: what to write to him?

If your child has no inspiration and doesn’t know what to write to Santa Claus this year, here are some texts to inspire you:

Sample letter to Santa Claus for a kindergarten child

“Little Santa Claus, my name is [prénom] and I have been very good this year. Maybe not every day, but most of the time. You can ask Mom and Dad if you want to check. I think you know why I’m writing you a letter. This is to tell you the gifts I would like. I cut out the gifts I really wanted from the catalogs and pasted them into my letter. Thank you in advance and see you soon Santa Claus”

Sample letter to Santa Claus for a 5 year old

“Mister Santa Claus, Papa and Mama told me that since I had been good, I could write to you to ask you for gifts that would make me happy for Christmas. I would like the toys that I saw in the catalogs and not only books (even if Mom and Dad prefer that I read. Thank you in advance Santa Claus and if I can’t have everything it doesn’t matter. Good luck for your tour and kisses to your reindeer. “

Original letter to Santa Claus template

“Hello Santa, I’m [prénom] and I have [âge]. I thought about you a lot this year, and like that if I was going to do something stupid I would stop immediately in order to deserve beautiful Christmas presents. Even Mom and Dad were amazed (but still very happy). Here is my list of gifts for Christmas. Good luck distributing everyone. I kiss you and I hope to see you in the sky.”

Sample letter to Santa Claus for a CP

“My dear Santa Claus, I am writing this letter to you to tell you what I would like to receive for Christmas… I have been very good with Mum and Dad, I promise! I hope that you will be able to answer my letter. thank you very much for what you do for all the children in the world and send you lots of big kisses.”

funny letter to santa template

“Dear Santa Claus, Mom and Dad told me to give the list of presents I would like to have under the Christmas tree. You know, I haven’t done a lot of mischief, I did well in school and I didn’t get too many bad marks. I know you can’t bring all the presents so I’ve put stars next to the ones I’d really like. Happy Holidays to you, your reindeer and your elves! “

In what form to write to Santa Claus? Let your child express his wishes for this year, list all the gifts he would dream of receiving, help him write down all the love he has for him and his gratitude, and also wish him a Merry Christmas and all his reindeer and elves. And why not encourage him to make a nice drawing or coloring with the effigy of Santa Claus with a message full of love on the back? Santa Claus will be delighted to discover the work done by a child, just for him. You will also find on letterheads, to be printed on the site hugolescargot.com.

Letters to Santa Claus to print: our models

Some children sometimes want to mark the occasion and hasten to ask their parents to print them a model letter to Santa Claus, carefully decorated, so that he can write on it. Here are our models of letters to print to make a splash with the famous character with the white beard:

Stationery papers for Santa Claus to print for free

To write to Santa Claus, there’s nothing like a nice support to put down his most beautiful prose… and his many requests! Here are some pretty stationery to print for the most important missive of the year:

Until when can we send a letter to Santa Claus?

Open since November 15, Santa’s secretariat receives and processes all mail received no later than until December 20. Afterwards, Santa Claus and his elves move on to organizing his tour. Also to be sure that Santa Claus treats the famous list of gifts as well as possible, it is better to send him his letter as soon as possible. Because even at Santa’s office, there may be stock shortages.

Over the years, Father Christmas has also adapted to new means of communication. From now on, the little Geeks can send him an email or a card that turns into a cartooninstead of the traditional letter, by connecting to Santa Claus.laposte.frthen clicking on the “Write me”. All they have to do is color Santa Claus, take a picture of him via theBlink Book app then to see it come to life. While waiting for New Year’s Eve, children will also be able to discover many activities, workshops, games and cartoons, a digital Advent calendar or a countdown of sleeps before Christmas, to keep them waiting until Christmas. arrival of gifts.

Mailo Junior, for a personalized answer from Santa Claus

Mailo Junior also offers to write to Santa Claus, by logging in with his account or by creating one on perenoel.mailo.com. All children will receive a personalized response, thanks to the complicity of the parents. They can also send him a drawing which will be highlighted on the site.

What phone number can you reach Santa Claus at?

Santa Claus can also be reached by phone and email. He may be a very old gentleman, he is always up to date when it comes to pleasing the children.

How to receive a letter from Santa Claus for free?

It’s simple, Santa Claus replies to all the letters he receives, but for that the contact details of the sender must also be mentioned on his letter! Because if it is true that Father Christmas always finds the right destination for gifts on New Year’s Eve, he does need the address of little budding letter writers to answer their mail with a nice little note, often accompanied a little game or coloring.
