Latest news – Going to study morality during Swedish military exercises

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Will study morality during Swedish military exercises

today at 01:13 Johan Edgar

For the first time, the Swedish Armed Forces will study how morale affects the ability to fight during a Swedish military exercise.

About 30 people will “shadow” units during exercise Aurora 23 in April–May.

“For example, it’s about gaining a greater understanding of what it is that makes us have the strength to persevere and keep our motivation up when the battle may not be going as we want,” says Linnea Lönnberg, project manager at Halmstad Military College, on the Swedish Armed Forces’ website. (TT)

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    A large number of police and ambulances are on the scene. Photo: Jonas Walzberg/dpa/TT

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    The text is updated here.

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    Three people were injured in the shooting. Photo: Oded Balilty/AP

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  • Man shot in Köping

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    He is now taken to hospital.

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    No one is said to have been injured in the explosion. Photo: Johan Nilsson/TT

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    Snow chaos in Gothenburg. Photo: Adam Ihse/TT

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    The mine in Súria where a tunnel collapsed this morning. Photo: Joan Mateu Parra/TT

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    Ringhals reactor 4 Photo: Annika Örnborg/Ringhals

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    – The repair of the pressure vessel is complete, says Anna Collin, press manager at Ringhals, to TT.

    Reactor 4 has been idle since it broke down last August.

    The stop has meant an interruption in Swedish electricity production.

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  • Hello, has it been decided where Kungsholmen’s fire station will be during the renovation?


    They will have a temporary fire station at Sankt Göran’s hospital.

    Here you can read about it.

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    Rolf Berglund

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    Here you can read about it.

  • To Lina Thorén:

    Although you have a tendency to write rapper when a musician suspected of crime is a rapper. In other cases, you just write “musician” or “artist”. Does it sell more maybe?

    Kamran Tanha

    I don’t have concrete numbers, but I don’t think it attracts much more.

    In general, we like to be as specific as we can. Rather “dance band artist”, “Mello star”, “rock legends” or “rapper” than just “artist” ?

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