Large quarry is planned in Obbola – residents critical: “Madness”

It is about two million tons of rock and 100,000 tons of moraine to be mined, crushed and transported out of the area over a period of 25 years near an area where there are both summer cottages and permanent residences.

The area of ​​the roof is out of sight of the buildings. If the application is submitted, it will be examined by the County Administrative Board or the Land and Environment Court. It will have to assess whether noise, dust, transport or something else is a problem.

Negligible impact

The company that intends to apply for a permit is called UM Mark & ​​Miljö AB. The company’s assessment is that the operation will have a negligible to moderate impact on local residents, the natural environment, the cultural environment and reindeer husbandry.

– Holmsund and Obbola are in a very expansive phase, therefore we are testing the possibility of opening a local quarry, writes Markus Bergner, the company’s representative in a text message.

In addition to the actual production at the gate, the masses must be driven out of the area. At most, there can be roughly 200 transport movements per day, which is estimated to last 180 days per year.

Registration started

Obbola residents trying to stop the planned raid have spoken out during the ongoing consultation and started a petition on social media.

On Wednesday, over 800 people had signed the petition.

– There are a lot of signatures. Everyone who lives here and usually stays here is strongly against it, I’m quite convinced of that, says Joel Nylander Fredriksson.

UM Land & Environment says that the material is to be used for, among other things, the planned Sjöstaden in Holmsund.

– Planned quarrying reduces emissions thanks to shorter transport distances than if the material were to be transported from a quarry with a longer distance to the disposal site, writes Markus Bergner.
