Koh-Lanta: Cindy Poumeyrol says her husband “asked her to have an abortion”

Koh Lanta Cindy Poumeyrol says her husband asked her to have

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    The former Koh-Lanta finalist, now a mother of two girls, is pregnant with her third child. She returns to the announcement of her pregnancy to her husband and tells that he asked her to have an abortion. How to react to a spouse who rejects a pregnancy? The answers of Johanna Rozenblum, clinical psychologist in Paris.

    It’s go again ! The rehearsal comedy, you know? October 2019: It’s a girl. January 2022: It’s a girl. April 2023: It’s… a girl. Very happy to expand our family, here’s the ransom when you have such strong shoulders!” . It is by this humorous reaction that the former candidate of Koh Lanta announced the upcoming arrival of her third daughter. Yet initially, she experienced a couple crisis, at the announcement of this new pregnancy.

    “He wants me to have an abortion, I don’t want to have an abortion”

    Cindy Poumeyrol also returns to the beginnings of her pregnancy, which were quite difficult with her spouse, because the pregnancy was not planned. “No, you can’t ask me toabort. Looks like you got a one night stand pregnant.” reports having told her husband the one who officiates in Moms and Famous, on TFX, when he asks her to put an end to this pregnancy. “And then me, in my life plan, I always projected myself with three children“.

    Asked about this particular situation, the clinical psychologist Johanna Rozenblum recommends not to take to heart the first reaction of her spouse, to thepregnancy announcement. “Often the mother has known for a few days or weeks that she is pregnant. The father tells him suddenly, so he must be given time to “digest” the news, especially when it was not planned, because it upsets certain life projects, sometimes“explains Johanna Rozenblum.

    “So you shouldn’t take to heart any remarks of rejection or requests for abortion if there are any, it’s often transitory.“adds the clinical psychologist. It is therefore necessary to procrastinate and wait a few days to resume a discussion more calmly.

    Seek help from a therapist if needed

    According to Johanna Rozenblum, talking about the situation later can calm things down. “Generally, the hot reaction has passed, it is possible to discuss in a more calm way. At that moment, it is the couple who find themselves, who face the situation together” adds the psychologist.

    If this does not happen, it is always possible to meet a therapist, to discuss in another, more professional setting. “Sometimes you don’t dare tell your spouse everything. Speaking in front of a professional makes it possible to say certain things, to evoke fears… This can be a solution to move the couple forward”.

    And if despite all this, the man does not accept the pregnancy? “If unfortunately the couple does not manage to overcome this ordeal, these are things that happen. One thing is certain, however: a woman should never feel obliged to have an abortion at the request of her husband.“concludes the specialist.
