Kebab alarm from Malmö: Allergens in one in three

Kebab alarm from Malmo Allergens in one in three

Published: Less than 20 min ago

fullscreen Kebabs examined have contained substances that could be dangerous for allergy sufferers without this being apparent from the packaging from the wholesalers. Archive image. Photo: Michael Probst/AP Photo/TT

Every third kebab examined in Malmö contained substances that could be dangerous for allergy sufferers, but this was not apparent from the information on the packaging from the wholesaler. Since the city’s environmental administration tested 30 kebabs and found undeclared allergens in a third, the designated products have been recalled from the entire European market, Sydsvenskan reports.

Six of the kebabs examined contained mustard, two contained celery and one contained milk, despite this not being apparent from the packaging from the wholesalers.

Maria Svensson, head of unit at the environmental administration, believes that the survey has had a positive effect.

– Several manufacturers of kebab sticks in Europe have changed their spice mixes or changed the labeling so that it matches what the kebab actually contains, she tells the newspaper.
