Jordan Bardella reaches out to the Republicans and begins discussions with Marion Maréchal

Jordan Bardella reaches out to the Republicans and begins discussions

After his triumph in the European elections in France, the president of the National Rally Jordan Bardella reached out to the Republicans on Monday June 10 and began discussions with Marion Maréchal, head of the Reconquête list! in the European elections, with a view to the legislative elections of June 30 and July 7. Monday evening, Marine Le Pen affirmed that if the National Rally wins the legislative elections, Jordan Bardella will be Prime Minister.

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It is a call for union. in front of Emmanuel Macron » launched by Jordan Bardella. After a meeting between Marine Le PenMarion Maréchal, the president of the National Rally declared that discussions were still ongoing and that “ nothing has been done yet “.

Jordan Bardella emphasized that Marion Maréchal had “ demonstrated throughout the campaign a constructive approach and attitude towards the National Rally “, while slipping that it had “ not been the case for Eric Zemmour “.

Marion Maréchal, for her part, expressed her “ ardent wish ” of ” find a way to bring us together » with the National Rally, saying they wanted “ discuss it » with Eric Zemmour, the president of his Reconquest! party, « for a decision to be made “.

Marion Maréchal: “I took care, during the European elections, to distinguish between adversaries and competitors”

Raphaël Delvolve

Jordan Bardella also “ stretched out your hand » to the Republicans by saying they had “ discussions » with some of their executives, recognizing that it was “ hard to win alone “.

With a score of 31.37% in the European elections, the far-right party came first in the votes, which led President Emmanuel Macron to dissolve the National Assembly and call new legislative elections set for June 30. for the first round and July 7 for the second. Submission of applications must take place from June 12 and will close on the 16th, at 6 p.m.

If the RN wins, Jordan Bardella will be Prime Minister

Marine Le Pen assured Monday that in the event of a victory for the National Rally in the early legislative elections, Jordan Bardella was destined to become Prime Minister, and not her, during an interview on TF1.

For months, we have been working with Jordan Bardella as part of an executive couple with the aim of best fulfilling the functions that the French would entrust to us. Me, towards the Presidency of the Republic, him towards Matignon, there is no reason to change that “, argued the three-time unsuccessful candidate in the presidential election.

We have a historic chance to put France back on track. We wish to bring together all patriots to allow Jordan Bardella to defend the purchasing power of the French and fight against insecurity and immigration », added Marine le Pen during this interview on TF1.

Read alsoAnticipated legislative elections in France: Jordan Bardella in the running for Matignon
