Janne Ahonen compares the Norwegian World Championships to Lahti Doping Sandout 2001-“This can achieve greater benefits” | Skiing mm 2025

Janne Ahonen compares the Norwegian World Championships to Lahti Doping

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The Trondheim World Championships are buzzing. Three Norwegians were rejected after Saturday’s Greater race, including jumping to silver Marius Lindvik and fifth -effort Johann Andre Forfang. Already in the opening round was rejected Kristoffer Eriksen Sundal.

International Ski Association’s FIS Ski Jumping Competition Manager Sandro Pertile told NRK that FIS had been informed of a possible costume manipulation before the race.

FIS’s officials had done the checks before the race and nothing was visible. Then they had received an official protest from three countries. They had checked all Norwegian athletes and had not seen anything.

After the competition, FIS had the opportunity to open and explore the costumes more closely and thus they saw the rules. Norwegian ski jumping team sports boss Jan-Erik Aalbu taken According to NRK responsibility for what happened.

Have you cheated?

– We haven’t cheated. It has been a rules, the Norwegian national team coach Magnus Brevig designed.

– It’s not a jumping of a jumping outfit, it’s no scam or doping, Brevig shaped for VG.

According to Brevig, FIS’s Pertile agrees with him. So, according to Brevig, it is not about manipulation, but a rules in suits. Such are not unusual in ski jumping.

The protest against Norway was made by Austria, Poland and Slovenia. They believed Norway sewn their dress after they were chipped and approved.

According to NRK, there is also a secretly filmed video, which will make Norwegian team members sew their costumes after the chip.

The costumes have been identified for this season and each piece of fabric is chipped. So control the number of rhostics. Now every jumper is allowed to wear only ten suits during the season.

Fierce scandal

Sports Ski Jumping Specialist Janne Ahonen It is a really drastic situation and a scandal. Ahonen has seen a fierce video and sews a reinforcement after the chip sewing.

Is it even a scandal comparable to Finland and Lahti in 2001?

– Yes, I would say. This can achieve even greater benefits than Finns achieved with sticks in the Lahti Games.

Now, according to Ahonen, it will be interesting to see what’s going on.

– If there is any way, find out if these have been used by female jumpers and combined athletes? I believe that if this has been invented, it has been utilized and used in other competition, says Ahonen.

Head coach of Finnish skiers Igor Medved According to the video, more fabric was put on the side of the suit. The advantage can be guessed. It may be a tension in a suit or the goal may be to get a branch down.

The main point is that this is not allowed. However, in ski jumping, the main meaning of the costume is clear.

“We are looking for a larger carrier area to connect,” Medved says.

This brings extra meters to jumping. In the measurement situation, it is then giggling to make the costume carrying area as small as possible.

The head coach of the combined Antti Kuisma says that this is the starting point.

– Just as the Austrian ski jumping coach said, everyone is looking for the last meters in the tools. Still, the rules must be respected. If they are not respected, it must be accepted that there will be rejections.

Costume sticks have been deprived of ski jumping for ages and times. Now it got a new big figure. Medved hopes that the gimmick will end.

– It is the work of FIS to make the rules clearer and cleanse this species. Now there are too many rules. We can follow the rules and be at the same level as the tools, Medved describes.

Herola needs investigation from non -FIS

According to Antti Kuisma, the costume manipulation and blood manipulation do not differ much today.

According to the head coach of Finland, FIS has made the policy that any kind of competition manipulation is of the same value and is also the case from the perspective of the International Court of Appeal of Sports CAS.

If there is blatant evidence of the costume manipulation, FIS could first fall in its history in its history, the chairman of the FIS Hill Committee Mika Kojonkoski told Sports a month ago.

The number one athlete of Finland Ilkka Herola It is on the same line with Janne Ahonen that the suspected scam of Norway is comparable to Lahti and the Finnish Ski Doping Sandout.

– If you compare the regular costume to a suit with all possible gimmicks, the difference may be in the big hill by throwing 20 meters. The difference is 5-10 meters if you compare to a suit that you can go to the TV cameras and jump with the same technique.

– The difference is significant, but it is difficult to compare it carefully. You always have to adapt to the instrument. If you are pulling on the joint parachute, you can’t immediately jump on optimal jumping, Herola illustrates.

Herola would like Norwegian rejections to be investigated outside of FIS.

– I trust in the rule of law that no one can be guilty until this has been stated in the court. Therefore, I hope that this issue will be dealt with and being thoroughly being dealt with, and outside FIS. There are rules and compliance.

– In this case, it has probably been that there were very bad deficiencies in the control of the rules. Then we will definitely go to these competitive matters, Herola describes.

In any case, Herola is very disappointed. Herola hopes that the cases will be investigated in ways other than in the way that FIS states that it was a single race.

– I have been in the belief that no one would be ready to go so far because of sports or results. Most worrying about what is our other athletes’ legal protection?

Sports asked Kuisma and Herola, should the costume scam in ski jumping in the same way as in other sports doping cases? And the sanctions would be in line with it?

– It would certainly get rid of it. Sanctions are not in line with it, if rejected in one jump as it was yesterday, Kuisma refers to Norway Jörgen Gråbakin rejection in the team race.

– It must be specified that the rules are now open to interpretation and to people. If there were such follow -up consequences, they should be absolute, Herola continues.

In Herola’s opinion, this would be implemented if they wanted to do so. Then the athlete would not have to be excited about whether the costume goes through or.

– It should be self -evident that once approved suit cannot be rejected. It would be the only route of how harder sanctions could be used and get rid of eternal giggling, but it would require pretty big changes in the system.

Updated at 9:55 pm. Added comments from Antti Kuisman and Ilkka Herola.

Updated at 10:30 pm. Added Herola’s comment that he is on the same line with Ahonen.
