Its weight is 750 TL! Countless benefits

Its weight is 750 TL Countless benefits

Mezda gum is good for many diseases. With the increasing interest in alternative medicine recently, the awareness of mezda gum is also increasing. Mezda gum, which is collected from fir trees in Kahramanmaraş, finds buyers from 750 TL to a thousand TL per kilo with its laborious workmanship and increasing value. It is stated that ‘mezda gum’, which is sold for healing purposes in herbalists, is a cure for many diseases such as cough, sugar, inflammation and stomach ailments.

It is good for the stomach and intestines

Ali Kemal Aşık (42) who sells natural food products in Hayrullah District of Onikisubat district, stated that collecting mezda gum requires mastery and said, “Mezda gum is a natural type of gum that is filtered from the cones of the fir tree. Citizens are very interested in chewing gum, which is known to cure many diseases. Mezda gum heals wounds quickly. “It helps healing. It is good for stomach and intestinal wounds. It is known that it is good for asthma, bronchitis, shortness of breath, flu and cough.”



• Used as incense.

• It can be consumed by mixing with honey.

• It can be applied on wounds.

• It can be divided into small pieces and swallowed with water.
