Italy is outraged after the beating to death of a Nigerian street vendor

Italy is outraged after the beating to death of a

Alika Ogorchukwu was killed on Friday July 29 by an Italian in Civitanova, in central Italy. The scene was filmed by onlookers who did nothing to help the victim. This arouses general indignation, after the fact.

With our correspondent in Rome, Anne Le Nir

The facts occurred in broad daylight, in a shopping street in Civitanova, a seaside town in the Marche region. A 39-year-old Nigerian street vendor, Alika Ogorchukwu, who was walking on a crutch following an accident, was beaten to death by a 32-year-old Italian, Filippo Ferlazzo.

Two days after the tragedy, the plants, the flowers, the little notes left at the place where the seller was killed seem to be hypocrisy. Because when it happened, no one stopped Filippo Ferlazzo who used the Nigerian’s crutch to hit him, before tackling him to the ground. Passersby also filmed the attack with their smartphones, as if it were a fictional film.

According to the investigators, the attacker, arrested and imprisoned for intentional homicide, would not have supported the insistence with which Alika asked for coins. His attorney says he is ” suffering from mental disorders “. But ” nothing can justify such a murder says the local African community that supports Alika’s widow and their children.

The leaders of all the political parties declared themselves outraged by this tragedy “. But in the middle of the election campaign for the early elections, the head of the League, Matteo Salvinicontinues to advocate the zero tolerance for migrants “. While stating that ” security has no color and must once again become a right “.
