It prevents the spread of cancer cells, ends constipation, balances blood sugar… It’s like a miracle! Benefits of dried beans

It prevents the spread of cancer cells ends constipation balances

Dry beans are preferred legumes because of their taste rather than their benefits. However, dried beans have such a benefit that you will start to consume them more often after learning. Dry beans, which surprise with its benefits to human health, have a rich content of vitamins and minerals.


Studies have shown that dry beans are effective against cancer. Dry beans, which have high protection against cancer, contain high protein from there. The protein in its content makes it a healthy alternative, especially for those who do not prefer to eat meat. Dry beans can meet most of the nutritional values ​​that red meat provides to the body. With its strong antioxidant properties, dry beans help to eliminate carcinogenic substances in the digestive system.


Dry beans are an anti-cancer. Dry beans prevent the spread of cancer cells. It has been observed that the risk of breast cancer is 50 percent lower in countries such as Portugal and Spain, where dry bean consumption is high.

It was also found that a substance called ‘inositol pentokisphosphate’ found in dry beans suppresses an enzyme that plays a role in tumor development.


As a rich dietary source, dried beans, which reduce the risk of cancer, also play an important role in cancer treatment with their suppressive properties. This effective substance suppressed ovarian and lung cancer cells and increased the effect of drugs on the death of disease-causing cells during the treatment. It is thought that inositol pentokisphosphate detected in beans may be effective in increasing the effect of cancer drugs commonly used in cancer treatments in the future.


Dry beans balance blood sugar.

Beans are a very rich food in terms of fiber, vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium and protein. Experts say that since beans contain almost no cholesterol, they have been found to be good for cardiovascular disease, heart palpitations, liver failure, kidney stones, urinary retention and many types of cancer, and that they should be consumed frequently.

Dried beans are very beneficial for bones because they are rich in calcium.


Since it contains a high amount of fiber, it positively affects the work of the stomach, small and large intestine. Because fiber helps the absorption of important minerals such as calcium in the large intestine. Fibers with a 0 calorie amount make them bloated and cause a feeling of satiety. Beans are a very important food in the fight against obesity. Beans contain 2-3% oil. Since it helps the pancreatic gland to work healthy, it provides great benefits in lowering blood sugar in diabetic patients.

Dry beans, which is one of the most consumed legumes in the world, gives strength to the intestines. It improves constipation. It lowers cholesterol and provides protection against cancer. (Haberturk)
