It makes immunity like steel, protects heart health, beautifies the skin… Benefits of green plum, loved by lovers

It makes immunity like steel protects heart health beautifies the

Green plum is one of the signs of the beginning of the summer season. Although the green plum, which started to take its place on the counters in the past days, upset its fans with a price of up to 600 TL when it first came out, its price began to decrease as the harvest was made.

Although green plums are often eaten with salt, it is actually very wrong. However, since eating the plum with salt causes edema in the body, it is more beneficial to consume it plain.


Thanks to its anti-aging feature, plum, which renews the skin, has a miraculous effect on skin blemishes. It reduces skin tone unevenness and has the ability to regenerate connective tissue.

When consumed with foods such as green plum yogurt and buttermilk, it increases calcium absorption. This effect creates a very positive effect on bone and dental health.

Plum, which is very rich in calcium and phosphorus, increases the body’s ability to absorb iron and improves blood circulation.


Plum, which is rich in fiber, is also good for the problem of constipation.

You can apply to plums to have a healthy diet list and snacks, because the calorie rate is very low.


Green plum, which is a source of vitamins A, C, fiber and potassium, strengthens the immune system and protects you especially against summer colds.

As it is a good source of antioxidants, it protects your heart health by challenging free radicals.
